Course Title: Social Psychology
Course Code: SOC-309
Course Code: SOC-309
Course Title: Social
Fall 2015
Semester: 3rd (Masters in Sociology)
Instructor’s Name: Saeed
Mashaal Bhatti
Office (Room No): A11
(Academic Block )
Twitter: @sociologist5
Course Outline:
1. Introduction
- ü Definition and scope of social psychology
- ü Historical development of social psychology
- ü Methods/research and framework of social psychology
- ü Theories in social psychology
2. Dynamics
of human behavior and personality
- ü Psychological dynamics
- ü Socio-cultural dynamics
- ü Man as a psycho-bio-social unit
3. Personality
- ü Socialization and personality development
- ü Theories of personality development
- ü Sigmund Freud
- ü Charles H. Cooley,
- ü George H. Mead,
- ü Skinner
- ü Eric Erickson
4. Culture
and social development
- ü Universal cultural patterns
- ü Cultural values and Inter-personal social adjustment
- ü Personal social, adjustment and deviation
- ü Isolates, feral child, and marginal personality
- ü Personality disorganization and readjustment
- ü Impact of mass media on personality development
5. Individual
in society
- ü Interpersonal behavior
- ü Attitudes: meaning, formation and change,
- ü Stereotypes, Perception, Language, communication and change,
- ü Public opinion, Motivations and emotions
6. Group
- ü Group life
- ü Formation of groups
- ü Dimensions of group effectiveness
7. Dynamics
of leadership
- ü Leadership: role and status
- ü Psycho-social factors underlying leadership role
- ü Types of leadership
- ü Group morale and leadership
8. Stress
and social behavior
- ü Social behavior in physically
- ü psychologically and socially stressful situations
- ü Tension, frustration, stress, tension reduction
- ü Psycho-social problems of Pakistani society
Suggested books
- 1. Ajzen, I and Fishherin, H. (1980). Understanding Attitudes and Predicting Social Behaviour, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prencie Hall Inc.
- 2. Alder, A. (1925). The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology, New York: Harcourt Brace.
- 3. Allport, G.W. (1985). The Historical Background of Modern Social Psychology, New York: Random House.
- 4. Aronson, Elliot, Elisworth, Phoeke and Cariomoth, J. Merrill (1990). Methods of Research in Social Psychology, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
- 5. Asch, Solomon E. (1955). Social Psychology, New York: Prentice Hall Inc.
- 6. Baran, Robert A., Byrne, Down and Griffitt, William (1974). Social Psychology. Understanding Human Interaction, Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc.