It was built by Sheikh Abdul Raheem Wohra in 1901. The color of doors and windows of the palace was green that’s why the palace came to known as green palace. In the dazzling rays of sun the palace presented a magnificent and breath-taking spectacle. For the purpose of water supply a well was dig in the palace. It was one of the worth seeing buildings of Chiniot like Umer Hayat Palace and Badshhi Mosque. Its owner were migrated to Karachi, Lahore and Faisalabad, later on in 1980 the palace was sold to Arbi brothers in Rs. 600,000/-. Then it became a source of contention between the brothers so it was demolished in 1990. It was a masterpiece of architecture and a wonderful display of wooden work on doors and windows.
Ruins of this fort are still present in front of the Umer Hayat Palace. It was built in 1326 during the regime of Sultan Muhammad Tughlaq (1325-1351), the eldest son of Ghiyas ud-Din Tughluq. It was devastated in 1391 by an attack of Chinni, the sister of Macchi Khan (ruler of Bhera). It is said that the palace was on the right brink of the river and the city was on left side. City was carnaged and set of fire. After that a new city was build near Rehkti fort. Later on it was reconstructed in by Nawab Wazir Khan (1632-1641) the governor of Lahore at that tine during the regime of Shah Jehan (1627-1658) who has earned great fame for the love of architecture and buildings.Passing trough different regimes its condition was dillipated so it was demolished by the localities. This fort is very old and belongs to the era of Sultans of Dehli that’s called Rekhti Fort.
3. Umer Hayat Palace

1892 Birth of Umer Hayat Wohra
1920 Birth of son (Muhammad Gulzar) of Umer Hayat
1923 Foundation stone of Umer Hayat Palace was laid down
1928 Construction of Umer Hayat Palace was completed
1935 Death of Umer Hayat, founder of the palace
1938 Marriage ceremony of Muhammad Gulzar was taken palace
1938 Death of Muhammad Gulzar on the next day of his marriage
1935 Death of Umer Hayat, founder of the palace
1938 Marriage ceremony of Muhammad Gulzar was taken palace
1938 Death of Muhammad Gulzar on the next day of his marriage
1939 Fatima, wife of Umer Hayat died
1940 Anjuman Islamia tried to establish an academic institution but could not word
1948 Orphanage was established by Muhammad Amin Sehgal in Umer Hayat palace
1950 Orphanage shifted to its new building vacating the palace
1970 Local government of Chiniot demolished two upper stories of the palace
1990 Library was established and taken in official confinement
1990 Reconstruction of the palace taken place
1991 Inauguration of research and cultural center in Umer Hayat Palace
1940 Anjuman Islamia tried to establish an academic institution but could not word
1948 Orphanage was established by Muhammad Amin Sehgal in Umer Hayat palace
1950 Orphanage shifted to its new building vacating the palace
1970 Local government of Chiniot demolished two upper stories of the palace
1990 Library was established and taken in official confinement
1990 Reconstruction of the palace taken place
1991 Inauguration of research and cultural center in Umer Hayat Palace
4. Badshahi Mosque Chiniot
1648 Foundation stone of the Badshahi Mosque was laid down
1655 Construction of the Badshahi Mosque was completed
1816 Used as stable by Ranjeet Singh
1857 Imam Noor Ahmad arrested in charge of instigating masses against British Rule
1655 Founder of the mosque Sa’ad Ullah Khan (1595-1655) died
1956 Formulation of administrative committee of the mosque
1960 mosque was given to Oqaf Department
1963 Repair and restoration plane of the mosque (Incomplete)
1964 Formulation of Religious Purposse Committee (RPC) by Oqaf Department
1968 Reconstruction Committee was formed (Incomplete)
1972 Reconstruction work started under patronization of Wali Ullah Khan
1977 Reconstruction work completed in five years
1978 Mosque was opened after reconstruction
1980 rent of shops of mosque amounted to 2, 31, 500
2004 Rent was collected around 11 Lacs