The CCB of union council 35 was formed in 21st of June, 2004 by the community members from all around the union council in a democratic manner.
The process involves the community nominating a general body of CCB. The membership size of the general body is 25. Members in this CCB were male (22) as well as female (03). This general body then elected its chairman, secretary and executive committee through a show of hands. There are 07 executive members in this CCB. The major activity of the CCB has been to work construction of the academic block in Chenab College, Chiniot. The total enrolment in this school is about 1620 students. There was only one main block in the college that was not enough to serve the cause of study.
The CCB decided to construct an additional academic block in Chenab College, Chiniot on a priority basis. The cost-estimate of this project was prepared as well as vetted by the District Officer Building / Executive District Officer (EDO) Works & Services. The total cost of the project is 7.058 million A sum of 1.412 million which is equivalent to 22% (20% is the requirement as per law) of the total cost of the project was contributed by the CCBThe balanced 80% share 5.646 million was provided by the District Government into three installments. The CCB motivated the community about the importance of the project for the future generation and encouraged them to contribute the required twenty percent share.
The chairman and secretary of CCBs went from door to door to collect the community share.
After CCBs had collected its share, they fulfilled other formalities and documents for the project and submitted it to the EDO community development for necessary action and approval from the district council. After the approval and release of fund to the CCB, it formulated a three member project committee with a project coordinator as its head. The committee became responsible for the purchase of materials / services and the supervision of the work. At the community level, the project committee is ensuring the transparency in the purchase of materials / hiring of services and also the quality of the work. The monitoring of the project is being done by the concerned departments and the Monitoring Committees of Works & Services department formed under the PLGO 2001.
The CCB first have to utilize its 20 percent share after the approval of the project.
The subsequent three installments of 80 percent of district government share are released to the CCB after the report received from the concerned District Officer and the Chairman Monitoring Committee (Works & Services) about the completion of work ensuring the quality and quantity as well. The work on the project is completed. The community is proud and delighted of the project. This has motivated the CCB to consider undertaking other projects.